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Psychic & Spiritual Classes

Jacqueline has been teaching online for many years. In 2020 she was inspired to create new online Psychic & Spiritual Development classes as she was unable to continue teaching her weekly circle in person. 


Friday Circle proves popular as people who had previously traveled to attend workshops are now able to join live online.  Students have joined from UK, Egypt and America.


Classes run in sets of 4 weekly one hour video calls
Renewable - £60.00 for 4 including recordings for playback. 

Weekly Classes

Psychic & Spiritual Development

1 hr Classes
Every Friday at 11am

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New Zoom Class


The Tree Council
Earth Health Ascension Grids


Learn How To Connect To The Tree Dryads


Connect To The Universal Web Of Light Containing The Tree Council's Wisdom


Work With Me To Connect The Cosmic Light & Downloads Into The Earth Grids


Gain Clarification & Light On Your Soul Purpose As You Connect To The Cosmic Wisdom Offered By The Intergalactic Council



1 hr Zoom Class
(Including A Playback Recording)
Energy Exchange

Sunday, January 24th at 4pm GMT London Time

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Psychic & Spiritual Classes
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