Jacqueline is a specialist in this fascinating and hugely rewarding soul growth area. In the last 30 years she has worked with 1000's people on a one to one basis and in large and small group workshops taught in person and online. As a qualified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist trained in London in 1990 she has always been intrigued by the subject.
As a young child she often recalled several of her own past lives and was supported and encouraged to discover more details by revisiting these with her spirit guide Running Bull who is her lifetime Earth guide. She quickly realised through her deeply profound, visual and kinaesthetic experiences that we are multidimensional beings who live more than one life.
Whilst facilitating other people to discover their past lives throughout the 1990's she realised she could clairvoyantly see the Akashic Records ( record of our Soul's Journey ). This lead her on to offer detailed Clairvoyant Past Life Readings. Tuning into the records of our Soul Journey reveals valuable and pertinent information regarding the current life situation and matrix of energy around us
It was not long before her spirit team encouraged her to expand and begin working alongside the spirit world to help release Karmic Residue for clients. With her spiritual connections she is able to link to the Lords of Karma and petition for karmic dispensation under the Law of Grace. This can create wonderful shifts of old limiting beliefs and patterns which may have continued for lifetimes.
Personal karma, collective and ancestral DNA karmic level energy release work brings results freeing up and clearing soul blocks and limitations so soul freedom is expressed. More Divine potential can unfold creating a happier more fulfilling life.
Karmic Clearing Healing
One hour Session £133