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Past Lives hold many clues to your present. They can explain relationship connections and events which happen to you. They can also explain the way you feel about things and the challenges you may have had. 


In her Clairvoyant Past Life Readings Jacqueline can psychically explore you past relationships in other lifetimes with significant people in your current life in your past and those who are still around you in at the  present. 

She is able to give you an in-depth expanded view on who you are and what you are here to do in this lifetime. 


Looking at your historic incarnations allows you to have a bigger picture and learn a more comprehensive expanded viewpoint on who you really are and what the reasons are for your personal circumstances. 


It can be very enlightening to learn about yourself in other eras, cultures and different genders and nationalities. A reading can often explain certain propensities you have towards likes and dislikes too. A root cause for behavioural patterns often emerges during the sessions.


You may have already experienced deja vu or short glimpses or journeyed through some of your past lives in different forms or using other techniques. Are you seeking confirmation?

Would you like more detailed information? Do you want to explore deeper and work out some more of the intricate jigsaw puzzle of the spiral of your existence? 


Lets look at your Past Lives together with a focus on healing and brining together as a cohesive whole all of the elements within you. It is also possible to gift someone else with a Past Life Reading or learn more abut a loved one or partners previous incarnations.


Readings are available by telephone or as a video call.


Past Life Clairvoyant Reading
1hr Full Session - £133

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Past Life Reading
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