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Jacqueline's first solid, physical 3D psychic experience came from an animal when she was just 7 years old. Her beloved family pet, a black cat called Go-Go, which the family adopted just before she was born meant a great deal to her. His previous owners emigrated to Australia and she grew up with him always by her side.


Go-Go was named after a brand of cat biscuits which he loved. Jacqueline and Go-Go were inseparable. 


Unfortunately one day Go-Go had to be put to sleep because he had an incurable condition which was causing him to suffer. 

Two nights after his passing Jacqueline was reading in bed at night and Go-Go jumped up on the bed. He assumed his usual position curled up at the side of her left leg. The warmth and pressure of his body leaning against her was very familiar. 

Suddenly Jacqueline realised he was dead! So she looked down at the side of her leg. On top of the covers were the tell tale signs of his usual circular indent in the covers where he laid. That is when she realised when you die, you don't die, only your body dies. 


That was her first teaching direct from the spirit world from an animal . 


Since then she has taught many classes on animal healing and communication and is a trained professional animal medium and healer. 


You can join a live class to learn Animal Communication when these are available, Or purchase a recording of a previous class of Jacqueline's Animal Healing and Communication to replay and learn techniques she teaches at your leisure.


Or if you would like to know how your pet is feeling or if there is anything they wish you to know book a 1 2 1 session to connect directly with your pet or a healing session to send healing to your animal. 


Readings are available by telephone or as a video call.


Psychic Animal Reading
1hr Full Session - £133

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Psychic Animal Reading
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